Monday, May 16, 2011


This surrealist graphic was inspired by the artist Vladimir Kush's painting, "Fashionable Bridge", which is posted below. Kush painted a pair of red high-heeled shoes as an arch bridge connecting two banks. The outline of the bridge was curvy and elegant with people and carts on it.  The artist twisted a pair of shoes with the function of a bridge and created a surrealist world that beyond my imagination.  I admire his works very much.

In my graphic, I used seven different elements, one background bitmap image of  high mountain and country land, one sunset view, on top of which with another bitmap of egg yolk, and the 4th bitmap is the  clouds in the sky flowing as a river. Then, I used my vector graphics of bananas and watermelons as sailboats, and added a couple of sliced star fruit as stars which both in bitmap and vector images.

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